Sunday, July 6, 2008

maybe southern California is not for me

I used to think that Southern California was the best thing ever- until recently, when I realized that the way I thought from 18-24 has changed significantly. Granted, there are some amazing things out here to see and do, and for people who love the summer, this place can't be beat! I, however, think that the extreme heat makes me lethargic. I am not a fun person during the day and out in the sun. Plus, I don't sweat! That makes a day at the beach fantastic- I'd suffocate in my own skin!

Well, that's a lie...I did start sweating recently- on my face of all places. Damn that amazing Clinique 3 step system- that makes my skin amazing! Well- the price you have to pay for not wanting to wear make up.....anyway....Aside from the days that I go visit my friend in San Diego, or my Dad up north, I really don't know if I want to be here anymore. Maybe Oregon would be great, or Montana. The nicest people I have EVER met are people from the Midwest! Yeah, but I'm not moving out that far...I need to be near some coast and major airport. There's too much competition and too many people looking for stuff that they won't be finding.

I want a simpler life, with cheap rent, great guys, and a good church. Maybe I will uproot what I like about this area and start a colony somewhere in Montana. Yep...sounds like a plan. As for now, I'm going to go turn up my A/C and avoid the freeways.

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