Monday, July 21, 2008


I have the best little animals!

This is bitty the kitty- (my sis calls her, affectionately, 'bite-y')

She just had a bath and was so good about it. Other times, she will be purring up a storm and then go into a rampage and try to tear the petter to shreds.

This is Uncle Mike. He is a leopard gecko and I really don't know his gender.

He always comes out to say hi, and eats his food so fast that he gets belly aches and has to lay on his heat rock for a while (sometimes, days). I just fed him, and bitty watched. She watches every time.

I guess this is what you do when you live alone, eh?


f said...
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f said...

Hahaha nice pics! =)

Yeah your animals get really crabby when they're hungry...

I wonder who they take after, ;P

Sorry about the repost.

Melissa said...

Hey ya! Uncle Mike rocks! I feel so bad that I didnt get him food the other day... Does he dance?

Jen said...

He chases a laser light and gives kisses when you press our face against the glass! I'm sure he dances :)