Saturday, July 19, 2008


I am back, and I have that same feeling I usually get when returning from anywhere (these days, really).

I am going to move. I am going to save up some money and move. I don't know when, or where, but I feel like I really need to be close to my family. As of now, my options are back east, up north, or Santa Barbara area. So, I am going to aim for up north- but I really need to pray about where God wants me to be, and what exactly I will do there. Maybe, around Christmas time. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

I know how much you always miss your family and friends when you're here. I really think it's great that you've decided to move closer to the people you love; it's important to have that connection. I'll be sad to see you leave, but we'll definitely keep in touch. :D

Angie Funches said...

Pray pray and pray some more before you make a move! Be sure the move is what God would want for your life and not just what you want for your life. Pastor Matt spoke two weekends ago about taking the easy way of life and that that is not always what God would want for us. Make sure He is not in the middle of using you for His glory. I had to do that! I think we make the right choise. I can feel the work for God coming very soon to my family. I am so happy that you made it home safe and sound! Have someone from group give you BIG hug from me!