Wednesday, January 6, 2010

meet my roommate

This is my roommate for Christmas break, Meyou. She cracks me up. I'd have to say that she reminds me of one of my best girlfriends in the states in our conversations and just day to day interactions. We're really learning from each other and it's awesome.Our cultural differences just add to the craziness.
One afternoon, (I have no idea what I was having for lunch), she made her favorite meal: canned corn beef with Kool Aid and white rice. Yep- so, I eat Spam, and I eat rice and all that stuff...and sure, I will put Kool Aid on some things like Cheetos, but canned meat is where I draw the line. To her, it's delicious, and I love that. It's cool to have your favorite meal every once and a while. I mean, in the states- it's weird for most of my friends that I'll eat Spam. Here, it's normal. Maybe I should branch out into the canned corned beef department.
The other day, at the grocery store- I got really excited because canned meat was on sale. I got one of each: corned beef and Spam, although I probably should have just picked up a case or something. Hey, why not? When in Rome, right?

1 comment:

Nettie said...

Oh I don't know about those romans? There has to be a web site on cooking spam a 100 different ways, I'll check t out for you. love corned beef?