Saturday, January 23, 2010

Inarajan Pools

Today, my community group from PIU took a trip down to the natural pools in the village of Inarajan. I love taking trips to this place, which is pretty much at the bottom of the island (30 minutes, give or take). I'd say that all of the students and staff here are pretty adventurous. There's this thing that we usually climb up with rope and jump off of, but someone took down the ropes. This didn't really stop us from getting up there. Everly, Jake, Sme, and I all got up with the help from our friends Joyce and Jaynee's shoulders, knees, backs, and whatever else we could use to get up.

I must have lost most of my strength over break because these guys had to grab me and pull me up (this was kind of embarrassing, but whatever). We had to climb up this way twice, but then some locals brought a ladder.

The rest of the time, we jumped off of other rocks, explored the coral, and swam around the pool. I still have a ton of salt water up my nose. We had an awesome time and I can't wait to go back.

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