Thursday, June 24, 2010

Approaching a Year

Has it really been . . .? 

I've been in Guam for almost a full year.

Looking back at everything leading up to this. I was starting to forget what the voice of the Holy Spirit sounded like when it moved me to make huge changes in my lifestyle, give up possessions, move around, work my butt off for a little here and there, be forgotten by major players in my life, meet people who would become huge parts of my life, and actually make it through a whole year on this island. 

I know that I did everything that I did and didn't do everything that I could have to be prepared. I only raised 1/3 of what I needed to come out here, but our president still got me a one way ticket. I was under supported enough to where there would have been no way I would have been able to spend any of my funds on the vehicle I was supposed to get, or rent, or major bills, but God provided me not one, but two cars (one in which another missionary was able to use- the other was the kind I prayed for), a place to stay rent-free, and made all of my ends meet. God provided. I should have been able to do so much more than what I did before I came here but God used what I had and used it for great things.

Now, a year has passed, and I'm looking to the next steps. God is showing me these things that I need to do to become prepared in no particular order.

1. Take classes.
2. Get my financial situation in order.
3. Fund raise with a stronger and clearer purpose.
4. Have a more defined and intentional ministry, with more defined boundaries.
5. Learn a language. 
6. Model my life after Christ.

I think that I am finally at the place in my life where Christ has kneaded me like clay into a ball of something that He can really work with. I'm so excited to be shaped and refined. I know it's a lifelong process but I also know that I've come a long way so far, and I've seen others come a long way as well in their own calling. It's amazing to see God work in people's lives and it encourages me to continue to let the work happen in my life. 

Oh yeah, the whole voice of the Holy Spirit thing? I am hearing it again and it's calling me to make some big life changes, but I think I just got another head's up for a year or so of prep. Pray for me to be open to what I'm being called to do, whatever that really, and that I will have the support and encouragement of people around me. Pray for my family, friends and PIU family-friends who have to put up with me :)

For right this very moment? This month? Pray for me to get the funds to come back to share everything with you all. I know I will, and thanks to some great people, I'm halfway there, and I know this too will be taken care of. I'm working on buying my standby ticket, and I'm going to see what I can do about my intercontinental jumping around.  I am totally at peace with my upcoming travel plans (which have to include So Cal, Connecticut/New Jersey/ NYC, Seattle, and Nor Cal) for the month I get to come back.

I'm so excited to see what's next in the short and long term of it all. Thank you for being part of it...and I say "it" as if it means so many things.

1 comment:

Nicole B. said...

I can't wait to see and hug you! The anticipation of hearing EVERYTHING has got me on the edge of my seat! :)