Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pagat Cave

This past Saturday, my community group took a hike to Pagat Cave. (If you're on facebook, you've seen many pictures of rocky cliffs with gorgeous blue swirling water below and a dark cave lit by candlelight. You've probably seen them from the last two, amazing times I've gone.)

This time, a few people from group 2 and other friends from PIU hit the trail for a 3.5 hour hike that consisted of about an hour spent in awe of the ocean, and almost an hour spent inside the cave swimming around and goofing off. We had an incredible time in fellowship, joking around and laughing with each other (or, laughing at each other, depending on who tripped on what or scared who out of the bushes). Only Leeman and I have been there before, so we took turns leading, though some adventurous girls like Sophia and S-me took over once they figured out the trail. I can't wait to go back and do it again. This hike is not only breathtaking, it just so happens to be close by and obviously, free. I couldn't think of a better way for a group of college students and missionaries to spend a Saturday. For all of you off Guam who love getting outside, I truly wish you were here.

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