Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I. Love. You.

Someone wrote "I love you" in a few different languages on the board in the faculty room. I added French and internet (143) to the list. It reminded me of the time my friend Lynn and S-me wandered through the mall bookstore before Valentine's Day. Lynn, from Taiwan, thought it was "Volunteer's Day," which resulted in us all trying to figure out who would volunteer to be our Valentine. We're really cheesy. Anyway, there were paper hearts hanging from the ceiling with "I love you" in all these different languages. We each knew how to say it a few different ways, too, which led to a pretty cool discussion. All three of us have different native languages, but could relate to the words we were using. Do you know how to say "I love you" in a different language?


Leeman said...

Betik a renguk er kau (Palauan)
Kuba edekem (Yapese)
Ngang mi tongek (Chuukese)
Ai to ngonuk (Chuukese)
I love you (English)

Leeman said...

and in additon to the one above
"ISLAND VIEW" (Palauan/English)

Nicole B. said...

Ich liebe dich (German)..and I mean it! :)