Friday, March 26, 2010

20 Random Facts

About ME:

1. I collect bi-centennial quarters. My dad started this for me, and I've taken over the collection.

2. I write snail mail and send postcards as often as possible.

3. Completely disregard at least 50% of everything that comes out of my mouth. I joke around a lot.

4. I had to grow up really fast, so I take a lot of time to play now. I am not immature, just silly.

5. I am not competitive.

6. I love to sing and dance, but in my element. When I'm intimidated, I can't function.

7. I am scared of balls flying at me, but I can actually serve a volleyball over a net

8. I know all but 2 of my almost 500 friends on facebook. Those 2 are close to people I know already.

9. I love reggae and hip hop. Reggae has been one of my favorites since I was little and visited the Florida Keys.

10. I don't sweat. If I look sweaty, it's from the humidity.

11. I love acupuncture, not the pain that it may cause, but the results. When I was receiving it, I did sweat.

12. Bartending was my least favorite and least rewarding job.

13. I think I am called to a completely different life than what my parents may expect of me, and I think we'll all be ok with it.

14. My heart is still in Thailand.

15. I love solo and partner sports like yoga and rock climbing.

16. I would rather not shower often unless it's necessary. I believe this stems back to living in CT in the really cold winters. Showers meant freezing afterward.

17. If I don't do something outside at least once a week, I'll become emotionally unstable. I am not at my best if my diet isn't strictly meat and veggies.

18. Peanut and regular M&M's have a huge place in my heart. I'm also addicted to sugar, but at times I manage really well.

19. My favorite place in the world is (are) the Florida Keys. Keep Florida, give me the Keys.

20. I love to paint.


Unknown said...

you write postcards? i collect them! send me one! email me and then i'll email you my address :)

Unknown said...

also i have a blog

Unknown said...

I love the random facts, It is so nice to read about who you are in the kittle things, thanks for sharing!