Saturday, August 22, 2009

why I love crabs

Tonight, Alex plays a big show in Hollywood that he's been waiting forever for, and I'm pretty bummed I can't be there to support him. Yesterday, I got an email from him that made me pretty emotional. I blogged about it then deleted it and now think I'm going to blog about it again because I miss him. I can see him looking amazing with his great stage presence and making all the girls in the crowd swoon with his piano and guitar playing. I wish when I was there he was feeling well enough to play for me but whatever, one of these days. I've seen his band twice and wish it was every time they had a show.

I totally fell for Alex before I left. Bet a lot of you didn't know that, but it was bound to happen before this huge move. Anyway, talk about quality guys and how we can't find them in Riverside. He's artisticly inclined, has amazing manners, cooks very well, says all the right things, and is so much fun to hang out with...among many other things. Alex has a Bachelor's Degree and is working toward his credentials at my school, CSUSB. He loves teaching but has some bigger plans with all that. He comes from a good family and treated me very well.

On our first date, he encouraged me to do some yoga and wandering in a fountain in downtown Riverside and it was like a little liberating experience for me, until two cops appeared out of thin air and threatened me with jail but then laughed at me because bums apparently pee in the fountain. Whatever, Alex and I were cracking up. I can't believe that was weeks before I left. I couldn't ask him to do the long distance thing, although I'm not opposed to it. I know that if things are meant to be, they will be, and I look forward to spending a lot of time with him in the summer. As for now, it's going to be interesting to see how it all fans out. I am at a point in my stay where all I want is to hear his voice. Maybe I'm being super emotional, but I feel pretty lucky to know him. I want him to know all that, too.


Nettie said...

That is soooo sweet what you said about Alex. Es said he is a great guy, and he is handsome. Can't wait to meet him some day! Sad you miss him maybe he will visit you??

Nicole B. said...

How cute are you? Timing sometimes stinks, doesn't it? But like you said, if it's meant to be, it will be! :) I guess there is (some) comfort in that...