Wednesday, April 14, 2010

story #1

I want to share some of my stories of the cool things God has done in my life, maybe as a testimony to those who are searching for what God's doing in theirs or might not believe. After the things God has done for me, there's no way I could not believe =)

October sometime, 2006, somewhere in the Australian outback (no kidding).

My friend and I were driving a car across the country to relocate this blue-ish green station wagon. We saw a sign for a park and decided to check it out. Deciding to ignore the signs that said something like "only 4x4 vehicles allowed after this point" we figured we'd keep checking it out. Lo and behold we got stuck in some wet sand. While trying to get out, we kept getting more stuck. My friend was a scout and just, smart, so he was working on ways to get us unstuck. All of the things we were doing were not working out. We were worse than before, and the sun was setting. Here we are, in the middle of the outback, in a park, and there were hardly any people on the road with us let alone off the beaten path.
While he was trying to figure out more ways to get us out of the situation of our temporary livelihood sinking into the sand, we decided that I'd be most useful just sitting and praying. I'm not even kidding when I saw that within minutes, this Jeep-looking thing with a snorkel on it pulled up to where we were. This Australian dude with his awesome Australian accent jumped out and said something like, "you need help?" Turns out that he was on his way to his mate's house and as he was driving over, he had this strong urge to take a shortcut through the area we were in. He pulled us out with a giant rope he just happened to have with him, and we were on our way.
What can we say when God sends people into our lives like this. Sometimes we don't see a door, or window, or funds, or opportunities, but He does. Sometimes it's immediate, like this, and other times it feels like it takes forever to even know what's going to happen. But, for me, I know something's gonna happen. God is going to use an opportunity, person, event, or whatever He needs to get through to us or help us. How can I not trust in that?


Stephanie Diane said...

this is amazing! i did not know about this!

Nettie said...

Great story and testimony, you have so many of them what a gift to God and others you are, make a record of them in a book :) maybe, hehehe