Monday, July 12, 2010

Here we go....again

I am sick of sugar and red meat (I type as I just ate some M&Ms and received another bag as a gift a few minutes ago). My system is over all of this stuff, so I am starting to detox tonight at about 10pm. A small "secret society" of three of us will be detoxing for the next, oh, week or so. We're going to hold each other accountable, encourage each other, and get the junk food sugars, simple carbs, red meat, etc out of our system. I want to be in good condition when I see Dr. Shannon in a week or so. If you live in So. Cal by the way, and have yet to see her, you have to go- it will change your life (see my diet blog for more info).

So anyway, this time around I'm really excited about detoxing. I've OD'ed on sugars and red meats and am definitely ready. I've also dealt with some spiritual issues this past week, but today was a day of confirmation that I'm on the path God wants me to be on, or that I'm at least doing something pleasing to Him. I feel like I'm in a good place in that sense.

The reason I mention this is that when someone fasts or detoxes, there can be a ton of spiritual and mental craziness that happens as their body releases all of the toxins and viruses. Detoxing can and will make a person physically and emotionally sick (actually, we stay sick when we have all of that stuff in our system, and we just don't really realize it). I think that I'm ready to endure the few days of that followed by many, many days of staying on track and feeling awesome. I am hoping to get back on my lifelong diet (aka way of eating) again, even though it's so hard to do on Guam and will be kind of hard when I get home for a short time. All I know is that I need to go back with a clear head and clear physical standing.

My detox will include:
60+ oz water daily
8 hours of sleep per evening
1-2 hours exercising a day
Tons of veggies and fruits and poultry/fish
Squash and potatoes
olive oil
vitamins (at this time, whatever I have- mostly calcium, vit. D)
Green and white non-sweetened teas

My detox will exclude:
soda and juices
refined sugars
red meats
giving into eating whatever I want
breads and breaded things

I do this about 4 times a year because I'm such a yo-yo'er.  When I'm in California, it's easy to stay clean longer. Guam has been challenging, but there's too many factors and that's for another day.

If you pray for me, pray for my two friends and me as we go through about 7-10 days of some hard stuff. Pray I am satisfied in Christ rather than in sugar. And for those of you who've sent me sugary things, I still thank you greatly and love you! Seriously, M&Ms are my favorite, and are always welcome in a care package. Birthday cake is my other favorite, but it just so happens that birthday cake and M&Ms have been a daily thing for too long and now I need to go back to moderation. I'll update you as I go along.

*Check out my blog from the last time I did this, and really, the last time I struggled with food as an emotional and physical thing together (which is really good!) 12 Steps

1 comment:

Nettie said...

That sounds amazing, I will pray for all 3 of you, as each of you is a temple of the Lord, he will bless and heal.