Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Overwhelming Love and Support

God answers my prayers in amazing ways, usually through the generosity of other people. For the last week, I have been under all kinds of stress and bad thoughts/feelings toward everything. My energy has been negative, and I have felt unproductive. I finally asked for prayer from a few of the ladies in my small group and some other friends, which probably helped my week take an incredible turn.

I don't know what it is, but I feel like certain people have direct pathways to God when it comes to me. I make the most amazing connections through soliciting prayer and believe me- I will never be afraid to ask for it.

For example, after an amazing night at Coreen's house eating, hanging out with small group, and swimming, I was packing up to leave when Sakuna and Coreen ran out into the garage to grab a "few things" for me. Earlier, I was half joking around with Sakuna about how I am going to be on the Ramen noodle diet. Because I basically suck at managing my money: I don't have any right now. I have a lot of bills and expenses. I am not an accountant. I am a free spirit and it gets me into trouble. Anyway, Sakuna decided to go grocery shopping for me this afternoon, and what I thought were a few awesome items turned into 2 boxes of food- over 20lbs of produce, eggs, canned soups, noodles, salad bags, bread, canned tuna, pickles, and a cute little watermelon to name a few. I couldn't believe it- this girl filled two big boxes up with not only awesome food- but food that works into my personal diet. She also made recipe cards and a schedule of meals for the next week. Coreen went into her pantry and gave me more soups, tuna, and offered drinks and stuff from the cooler. Not only did Coreen offer up her home and food tonight, along with the rest of the small group's amazing potluck, but she also made sure I was taken care of. Sakuna took time and her hard earned money to go to the grocery store for me today to supply me for well over a week with awesome meals. I am so amazed at how blessed I am to be part of this family of women. I'm praying the blessings keep coming in because God knows I need to stay faithful and focused right now.

For my friends who have been praying for me and in communication with me about this- I really want to thank you. I know, love, and appreciate your time and prayer. It means the world to me- For people physically and financially backing me up on my fund raising, you guys are awesome. I'd be lost without you- you know who you are!

For some other cool prayers that have been answered for me today, here's a little list:
-Meeting with Kim and Diane regarding fund raising. Right on track, lots of encouragement! I'll be receiving some great help from these ladies.
-Figured out the Thresh Hold fund raiser!
-I've been praying for spin shoes (cycle shoes) for a long time, and one of my new yoga students just happened to have a pair with her, that were exactly my size, brand new, that she didn't need. She gave them to me. I seriously prayed for spin shoes, and yep- I received them!

There's so much more. I don't know where to start- all I know is that I am loved and blessed by God and the people He's put in my life.

1 comment:

Angie Funches said...

Deep stuff Jen! Glad you are writing it all down. God is amazing and He cares about us and our wants in life, even the small things like a pair of shoes. He is taking care of you and that is what is important. You are blessed to have the ladies in small group, I miss you all.