Thursday, January 1, 2009

not home yet

It's really depressing- bouncing from one family to another- especially during the holidays.

It takes me at least two days to adjust to being back with a part of the family. The first day is usually an arrival from driving or flying a long distance. I don't want to see or talk to anyone.

The second day is adjustment.

The third day, I am a little more settled, but still thinking about my own obligations.
(If I am up north, then half the time this is my last day, and I have to drive back home)

*At this point, people are wondering why I'm so cranky. I am on vacation.

The fourth day is catch up day. Who do I need to see.
(If I am on the east coast, its the day of making some people really happy or really upsetting others by not being able to fit them in)

Fourth+ days- family time. Who did I actually go visit? That's who I'm spending time with.

Last day- Great, I'm finally into a routine. I'm getting along great with whoever I'm visiting, and then it's time to go.

Then I get back and its adjustment time all over again-
Whoever picks me up or sees me first- I don't want to talk about where I went, what I did, or what you did while I was gone. Sorry, but can't it wait til the next day? Didn't I update my facebook a million times? I'll talk about it anyway. I'd rather disappear into a dark hole and come out when I'm actually adjusted back to my routine.

As much as I have acted my entire life like divorce is nothing, it really does suck. Living far from my family sucks too- but it's not like I'm the one who moved away from them. Initially yes, but then they moved somewhere else, too. Now, I don't even get to go home.

And, seriously, can't some of my friends just come see me? I live in Southern California. Come on- cheap vacay to so cal. Whatever.

How about...I master being in many places at once.

Or....I will just keep dealing with it.


Angie Funches said...

Im thinking that less trips are in order. And when you do travel it needs to be for longer periods of time. 1 or 2 longer trips can be way more fun and productive than more shorter trips. And in the long run cheaper too! Hope you are felling better soon.

Jen said...

Ideally, but no. I don't pay for anything when I see my family, and its all during off times at work/school. Therefore longer trips aren't options.

Plus, the up sides are huge, too. Would you really want to see your mom or dad only once a year?

It takes a toll on me but overall its so worth it.

......just venting.