My friend Elisa forwarded an email with pictures of a woman holding out her hand with a small cup of hummingbird food, and many hummingbirds landing on her to eat. Most of us couldn't imagine something so delicate yet quick trusting us enough to come near us or eat off of us, but it happened for this woman and that's pretty cool.
It reminded me of two instances where I also got to hold hummingbirds. The first time, I was around 9 or so, and one got stuck in our porch screen in Louisiana. It couldn't free its beak loose from the porch so I grabbed it and pulled it out. I think I was pretty fearless when it came to animals, especially birds. Now I don't think I'd want to touch a wild bird, especially one so little. Anyway, it let me free it, and then I let it go.
The second time I held one was in Sedona, AZ when it hopped in through our window one evening. I was about 14 or 15, and I had gone to sleep early that night because I was sick. My dad woke me up to tell me that a little bird was hopping in and out of our window, and when I went to see it, it hopped right into my hand.
As I look back on those experiences, I can see that I got to be part of something amazing. At the time, I didn't really think about what a privilege it was to hold those little guys. I just went with what felt right. One needed to be freed, and one was out of it's mind but still needed a hand back outside. These experiences blessed me with opportunities to feel that kind of connection with something otherwise untouchable. I think about the things I pray for right now, and how some of them seem so fragile, untouchable, or unobtainable. However, when I think about the ways God has given me those things before, I am comforted knowing that I can be blessed with even the most delicate situations, and that my responses and actions can be based on what is best for the other and not for myself. I am praying that I can keep this perspective, look away from my own wants, and anticipate the beautiful things that are to come.
Why me, sometimes? I probably won't know, but I am excited to be chosen, when I am chosen.