Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Story #2

The University of Guam college ministry that our students help lead and belong to has been emphasizing what it means to listen and be obedient to the Holy Spirit working in your life. I want to share some of my stories about some of my experiences and the ways that being obedient beyond my apprehensions and doubts has been a huge blessing to me. 

If you felt as though God has called you to pick a certain day to have a huge fundraiser on, and then very little people came, would you have been discouraged? My friends and I held a fundraiser at our local climbing gym on memorial day weekend. In southern California, that's probably one of the biggest holidays, and people are usually going to the river, Vegas, the beach, or bbq all weekend.  We didn't know it was that day when we picked it, but we went ahead with it anyway. Some of my friends stayed up baking nights in advance for a bake sale, my friend's dad came out to bbq, and another good friend even supplied all of the food. The gym and local businesses donated things for the silent auction, and...maybe 20 people came. I'm talking 20 people for the whole gym (ok, maybe 30ish). The place was dead. However, some of my most supportive friends came out, even though many others said they would but didn't show, and these friends brought friends with them. The friends they brought ended up being just as supportive as my own friends. We had an awesome time playing around all day and enjoying the quiet time even though we wanted it to be busy. I definitely felt hurt, but I didn't know what God was doing.

At the end of the day, we raised right under $1,000 in a silent auction, bake sale, and random donations. My one way ticket to Guam? Just about that amount of money.

When I'm freaked out about how things are going to get done, God still knows, and that is so cool. I often pray for peace that surpasses understanding, and this prayer comes out of days like this where I feel so discouraged, but God know's what He is doing through that. Raising a ton of money wasn't the plan for me, instead, we raised the perfect amount, and that was more than enough. 
And....guess where I am now!

1 comment:

Nettie said...

Very enlightening, it is always in hind sight we learn the truth about faith and grace. as well as those who are present to share those moments.