Lindsay Quay, a close friend of some women here at PIU (namely Anne and Laura) joined us on Monday night to lead an hour long devotion in the continuation of our arts devotions. Lindsa
The night amazing and we're so thankful for women like Lindsay who have a heart for the amazing gifts God has given them, and sharing that with the studen
Left to right: Jayleen, Laura, Lindsay, Meyou
2 Corinthians 4:6-8: For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness,"made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair"
WOW! You girls always have an interesting night! How come the guys don't? Hmmm?!?!?!? I wonder where does the connection come from? hehehehe. Nice! GOD is good and I love how He teaches you women of PIU amazing things. God bless!!
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