Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deal Breaker

Not if he littered, I wouldn't!

I was flipping through a magazine at a friend's house the other day when I came upon some mini articles showcasing professional climbers, or something of the sort. One of the questions each one was asked regarded pet peeves. 3/4 of the guys said "litterbugs." I heavily agree! Not only is littering a pet peeve of mine, it's also a deal breaker.

I asked my friend what he thought about litterbugs, in the form of this question:

Imagine you are seeing wonderful girl. Everything is going great, and you seem to have the best chemistry together- you just click. You two are walking through a park or on a sidewalk after another great date, and she blatantly throws her trash on the ground. Would you break up with her right then and there?

See, I would. He had to think about it, but I think he would start to reconsider. As adults, there are certain things we do and don't do that our morals and values reflect in. I would never, ever litter. Confession: Yes, I throw apple cores out of car windows into heavily wooded or brushed areas, but that will decompose and provide nourishment to the ground and animals/insects. I would never throw an apple core into a neighbor's yard, or anywhere public. I can hold my trash until I find an appropriate way to deal with it.

Anyway, the littering thing- deal breaker. There's a list of deal breakers, and littering is on the top (right up there with animal abuse or petty theft) . Why do it?

1 comment:

Angie Funches said...

I agree.I dont litter either and when I am with someone that does I am sure to say something so they will pick it up! I had to work with the boys on this issue while we were out camping! They are slloowwwllyy learning not to litter.