Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pray for my friends (who also see beauty in ugly things)

A friend to many of us, Ben Boedecker, wrote an email update last month that I want to share part of with you. He is serving in Afghanistan and has a few more months to go. Please pray for him and his safety, along with his wife Cristel who is here in Guam. I don't know how Cristel and other military wives do it but she is one strong woman. Oh yeah, God is using them both as missionaries. I can't wait to see what their future holds. Read on:

"Afghanistan is a poor and war torn land. Each new day brings ever-increasing pain, sorrow, loss, and death. In a place as bleak as this, can any good be found? Throughout the week, I was reminded of Psalm 19:1 time and time again. As I drove to work each morning, I could not help but notice the magnificence of the rising sun. Moreover, when I drove to my room each evening, I was greeted by an equally magnificent sunset. In this place riddled with humanity’s uglier nature, God, in an act of wondrous grace, provides such a beautiful beginning and end to each day."

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. ~Psalm 19:1 (ESV)

Ben's prayer requests from this update:

- That God help me to effectively witness to those around me
- … keep all of the people deployed here and elsewhere safe
- … help us to bring peace and justice to the Afghan people
Thank you Ben for serving our country and serving those around you. Thank you for seeing God's beauty in otherwise ugly things.

1 comment:

Nettie said...

Thank you Ben, Amen, I will pray, God bless you all and grant you His favor and grace!