Our Assistant Dean of Women, Daisy, planned a women's night for the women of PIU, where we got together with students, staff, and friends for foot soaks, massages, facials, makeup, and nails to name a few.
Here, Marisol and Jonie are making a homemade facial mask. Ingredients can include stuff like olive oil and plain yogurt, but we used things the girls usually have in the dorms: bananas and egg whites (and some oatmeal). After mixing all the stuff together, apply to your face for about ten minutes until it dries and tightens, and then steam off with a hot wash cloth. It was awesome, the girls looked so fresh after!
Sophie is loving her results!
I think almost all of the girls got a facial and had their makeup done. Some, subtly, some really stood out. Celia is our office manager and Avon representative, and she volunteered her time to come in and do make up. What I love about our girls is that they are naturally beautiful. It was cool to see many of them doing this for the first time. It reminded me of myself and a lot of my friends back home who don't take priority in this either, but have fun doing it once in a while.
Xyanne was one of the first with her makeup done.
Laura came in with her massage chair, and Lisa had more than one foot baths. I don't have pictures of them, but knowing both of them, I'm not sure if they'd want me to post them. We all had an awesome time hanging out with the girls, even so late at night. I had a great time doing amateur facials. I couldn't have done that without the help of Joyce, who changed out our water many times (and heated it, and...so many more things), Stephanie, and Lucy who learned how to apply face masks quickly. Hmm...do you think PIU should have a vocational school for this kind of stuff? Our girls are great at taking care of each other, and this kind of stuff is in high demand in the tourism industry. Well, we'll see. Maybe one day down the road. For now, we get to have fun and bond with each other over edible beauty products.
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