Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism. Proverbs 18:9

Yeah, proverbs...there you go convicting me again. I have reverted to some bad habits of not getting myself organized and being fearful of assignments in topics I struggle with. for example, I've posted a few new blogs this week but didn't take my seminary quiz. On top of that, I teach a study skills class. Seriously, I need to get my priorities straight. I'm working toward changing my habits. I won't go on facebook until I've finished my reading for the next class, and won't post more blogs until I do my quizzes to the best of my ability. And because I'm posting this....I think I may have some accountability. (oh man, that word...)


Nettie said...

Priorities are good, and they will change as we change. But conviction is like passion,you have to want it soooo much that even failure is ok. Those darn thorns Paul mentions, can turn into roses. hopefully with Gods grace and our conviction at work! He's a team player.You should do well, you are a go getter so God has alot in store for you! :} xo

Angie Funches said...

Good job on being honest and real. That is half the battle right there! And yes I will help hold you accountable! You will have to let us know how do on your quizes.

Nicole B. said...

Wow, good for you! (Sorry I'm just reading this) Sometimes it's easier to give ourselves an "out" rather than get to things that aren't that fun. The upside is that once those priorities are taken care of, we can get back to the fun stuff! :)

Jen said...

Wow that was God's advice moving through each one of you!! Thank you!!

Nettie said...

Sharing always helps, and it keeps us accountable. Plus you never know who you touch with same conviction. Thanks!