Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dear Friends and Family,

As you all know, we are aiming to have me arrive in Guam by mid-August. I am moving there to teach the subject of English (grammar, composition), to open a writing center, and to be a huge help to Melody Plaxton, head of the English department on PIBC/PIU. I want to minister to my students through working with them, as many great people have ministered to my life while just being there with me. In order to allow affordable education to the people of Micronesia, PIBC needs all of their teachers and staff to be missionaries and fully supported by their home church, family, friends, etc. Believe me, if I could, I'd finance this whole thing, or just live in an old bus, or a tent, or...whatever, but PIBC and I have goals we need to meet to allow my focus to be more on God than my students. (Besides, Guam doesn't strike me as the type of island where I can just bum around and be fully productive :)

Per Angie, there is a specific thing that is holding me back: monthly support. I need people to commit to supporting me monthly in amounts great and small. If this doesn't happen, I may not be able to go 'til December. I need a large amount in monthly support that I am not going to post out of discouraging the attitude "well, my $20 a month is nothing compared to what she needs!" No no...I need everything and anything anyone can commit to donating. Trust God: if you tithe or make financial commitments to a missionary, He will bless you in other areas of your life to make up for that. And, whatever comes in on top of what I have may just be enough. It's all in the works, and it's all in God's hands. This is my specific prayer request and challenge. Is God calling you to support me?

If so, let me know. I have a quick and easy form to fill out. PIBC is also gladly accepting one time donations on my behalf. It all goes toward my ministry and living expenses. I also need prayer, a LOT of prayer.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


1 comment:

Angie Funches said...

Ok send me the form! I would also like to challenge ALL of your friends to committ to at least $10 a month. On your facebook page you have over 300 friends. If each of them committed to $10/month that would be $3k a month and would send you on your way to serve the Lord and in a mighty way!!! Come on friends!!!! Support Jen and send her to Guam with only $10 a month!