Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's time- January. Time to fund raise. I am offering a yoga series in the hopes of raising money (every bit counts!) for my missions work in Micronesia/Guam. I have my big meeting on Tuesday to get all the nitty gritty work done- to figure out everything I need, what I need to raise, where I stand. Wow. Two days. And just 7 months I will be packing up and saying bye.

If you're reading this, please help me out any way possible. I want to work and offer exchanges for funds- it's gonna be hard for me to do the letter writing thing. And, of course, I need HUGE prayers. I'm scared, but know God brought me here and will carry me through this and across the Pacific Ocean.... wow.


Angie Funches said...

Why will it be hard to do the lettet thing? You are such a gifted writer. Also did you talk to Sandals?

Jen said...

The writing part isn't what's difficult, it's the asking people for money part.