Monday, August 18, 2008

done, done, and DONE

I got so much accomplished today while sitting down in an hour between lunch and class- I am really proud of myself, the laziness has NOT taken over!

My day-
Woke up to the cat kneading me, got dressed- went to jazzercise

Made a friend at jazzercise

Came home, went on a bike ride

Showered, did hair, went to Punjab Palace (Indian food)

Face and I stopped by to visit the aunt and grandma, came home w/ delicious green grapes from the garden

Made appointment for TB test, fingerprinting for my new job

Printed out my new schedule for my new job (which includes full days all next week for the beginning of the school year)

Finalized 4 great classes, 2 of the teachers I absolutely love, for next quarter

Scheduled insurance info pick up from my acupuncturist

Emailed people to set up volunteer time and office time

Figured out that Friday will be beach day (FINALLY! and, in Carlsbad!)

Went to math and UNDERSTOOD it (and didn't do as horrible on my test as I thought- but still failed it...)

And now, I am getting ready for yoga and updated pics for my diet blog.

If you know me, you know that laziness is one of my core sins- and by that I mean laziness as in "wait til the last minute" or "assess the importance of a task"- Yes, I work out religiously, but when it comes to other important things- I never get them done how I want to! I am tackling this and getting good results. Tomorrow is another busy day where I actually follow through with my appointments and plans, but for me, getting them on the books is the hard part. I guess this is what Mondays are like!

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